Super Six!

Sumit Ramani
5 min readOct 16, 2023

It’s that time of the year once again, when I emerge from the depths of my journey and document the insights gained from my entrepreneurship adventure, which began exactly six years ago on this very date!

So, why do I craft these annual posts? Well, there are myriad reasons. Beyond the obvious objectives of sharing knowledge, inspiring others, and enhancing my online presence, these posts, and my overall social media presence, serve as a lasting record for my daughter. Hopefully, as she matures, she’ll stumble upon some of these and perhaps feel a sense of pride :)

These yearly posts are dedicated to distilling the wisdom I’ve acquired, so let’s plunge right in. This year, there are six key lessons to explore!

1. Learn new skills, stay humble

Many of us avoid acquiring new skills because we fear the discomfort of being a novice once again. However, I firmly believe it’s beneficial to venture out of your comfort zone from time to time, embrace that sense of being lost, and then rediscover your footing. Through personal experience, I can confidently attest that with each attempt at something new, you become progressively more resilient and self-assured.

After years of walking long distances, including a grueling 50 km in a single day, and disliking running, I finally took the leap about 10 weeks ago. From struggling to run for even 2 minutes, I now find myself running non-stop for 30 minutes, a feat I achieved just yesterday for the first time. It’s safe to say I’ve made significant progress.

I feel healthier and have gained immense admiration for anyone who can run continuously for 30 minutes or more. You truly appreciate the difficulty of this achievement once you’ve given it a try.

2. YODO is great but live everyday

There’s an eternal tug-of-war between the philosophies of ‘You Only Live Once’ (YOLO) and ‘You Only Die Once’ (YODO). Given my natural disposition, I tend to lean towards YODO. Nevertheless, I believe that the most fulfilling way to live is by striking a harmonious balance between YOLO and YODO. We only experience death once, while most of us are blessed with the potential for a long life spanning around a century. Hence, it’s wise to adopt a forward-thinking perspective and not be swayed by fleeting instant gratifications.

At the same time, life’s fragility should never be underestimated. The past year has reminded me of this vulnerability on multiple occasions, each time a stark wake-up call. So yes, we may only die once, but there’s no valid reason why we shouldn’t savor and embrace every single day!

3. Grow Wealth, Protect Time

One of the primary purposes of earning wealth is to earn back your time. I strongly believe that those who can, should chase Financial Independence and then start doing more of what they like and less of what they don’t. To be able to do it, the first is step to have great control over time.

My approach involves setting clear boundaries for various daily activities. For instance, my work hours are from 10 AM to 5 PM. The time before 10 AM is dedicated to nurturing my mental and physical well-being, enjoying a relaxed morning, and savoring a peaceful cup of chai. From 5 PM to 7 PM, I prioritize quality time with my daughter, fiercely guarding this slot. After 7 PM, my schedule remains open to accommodate the day’s most pressing needs.

While I establish boundaries, I’m flexible within these defined time frames. For instance, I transitioned from playing tennis to going for a run to maintain my physical health earlier this year.

Crucially, it’s vital not to calculate the return on investment (ROI) for the time spent on these activities. I made the mistake of self-criticism in my initial year of entrepreneurship for merely watching a movie. The key is not to lose sight of the purpose — protecting time to live life more fully and not feel confined by your own rules. Notably, I haven’t rigidly defined my bedtime or waking time, and yet, my routine exhibits subtle variations!

4. Cross the river and then inspire others

You may come across numerous individuals who have achieved a degree of success and choose to share their experiences, insights, and wisdom on social media. Sometimes, you might ponder the purpose behind it. This year, I believe I’ve discovered the answer.

While there can be various motivations, some driven by malice and others purely benign, for establishing a public presence, I view it as a responsibility for anyone who has attained even a modest level of success.

Those who have tasted success recognize that their journey involved the support and influence of many individuals. Therefore, when they successfully cross the river, they make a conscientious effort to inspire others to take the leap. After all, it’s only those who have reached the other side who are truly positioned to inspire and potentially guide those who are just embarking on the journey now!

5. Be visible to get noticed

Unless you shine like a Sun (and not a diamond), it is foolish to expect others to find you. The sky has many stars but not every star gets noticed. And unless you get noticed, it is very unlikely to achieve your true potential.

At the same time, a hollow shining star gets exposed very quickly. In fact, it is best to lie low until there is a sizeable substance.

So the way it works is, to do a great job and then do an equally great job in talking about it because even the sun gets clouded!

6. Play long-term games

Anything that is meaningful and worth spending time and energy on, takes a while to shape up and bear fruits.

It took me about 9 years to qualify as an actuary but then life has never been the same again. Today I completed 6 years of entrepreneurship and it is only now that things start looking rosy. It took me 10 weeks to be able to run for 30 mins non-stop.

The beauty of long-term games is that a bulk of the time is invested in building the foundation. This limits the downside risk and results in huge upside potential. Things surely get better once dividends start flowing in but if they don’t, you live a peaceful life throughout, learn a lot, and build solid relationships

In this world of instant gratification and hacks, perseverance is your superpower!



Sumit Ramani

An independent non-traditional actuary focussed on InsurTechs | Co-founder @protectmewell | Write about Personal Finance, Personal Growth & Personal Branding